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dragan's dad June 25, 2011

Medjugorje Messages and Pilgrimages           June 25, 2011

Today, we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the apparitions of the Queen of Peace Virgin Mary at Medjugorje. Our Lady has been coming to us, speaking to us and leading us to her Son is a very special way.If you don't know about Medjugorje, it's about time you learn. It is a truly incredible place. One June 25th, 1981 in the small village of Medjugorje in Herzegovina, a woman appeared to six children. She identified herself to them as The Virgin Mary. She still appears to them to this day!                            Her messages is that God does exist and that he loves his children very much. Tours to Medjugorje have become more and more popular. People are making pilgrimages to Medjugorje in hopes of finding spiritual truths. Medjugorje is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on Earth.

Thirty years ago, on June 24, 1981, the Virgin Mary supposedly began appearing to six young people in a small village called Medjugorje in Bosnia Herzegovina. Thus began of one of the most controversial phenomenons in recent memory that turned this tiny village into one of the most visited places in Europe. More than one million visit Medjugorje every year.


~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana~ Stopping by... June 22, 2011

LostMom to Patrick Barbosa IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY ANGEL PATRICK June 6, 2011



Life stands still and aches with memories.

Memories that aches so deeply of a precious life cut too short.

My son Patrick who left me behind to grieve

a loss that has no words, no definition,

no explanation, no concept.

I am left only with sorrowful feelings that linger deep

within my wounded soul reminding me to hold on to those

bittersweet memories.

These memories which came from a life that I love

so dearly and treasure.

God, help me to keep those powerful memories

because today I cherish them more than my own existence,

for it is my memories of my son Patrick, who is my life and

my light until the end.


Dedicated to my son Patrick Christian Barbosa

~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana~ Precious Jarrett..... May 31, 2011

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Memorial Day Blessings! May 30, 2011
Cathy Giraud May your Memorial Day be Blessed May 30, 2011

~May your Memorial Day be Blessed and Safe~
Kathy ~ Ryan Bezy's Mom Thinking of you.... May 28, 2011
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Wishing you a Happy & Safe Memorial Day May 28, 2011

Mary~Nick's Mom~ Happy Memorial Day May 27, 2011

Have a Happy and Safe Weekend......
Love Always,
Nick's Family
Barbara Nunez Precious Jarrett..... May 27, 2011

~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana~ Precious Jarrett..... May 15, 2011
Thinking of YOU.....
Judy~Curtis Dawson's Mom Thank You! May 11, 2011
Mama anđela M.Blekic Anđele neka ti ova svijeća vječno sja May 10, 2011
Romantic Angel
dragan's dad Its a parent's worst nightmare losing a child no May 9, 2011

I was browsing through this web site and found Jarrett little and got tho know his a bit. I'm so sorry for your loss and wanted you to know that, although far away on other side of the world someone else is thinking about his and your family.Such a beautiful young man. Not many people can understand this pain, execpt those that have lost a own child. Ours childern left this world so fast and without warning. Leaving the family with so much hurt and pain, that only time can "help ease" the pain. Honeslty, i don't think it will ever go away. Living in their memory and remembering all the great times shared is whats left to hold on to.

How can I remember on my son Dragan( Name Dragan, translated from croatien on english: darling,dear,sweethard…but Dragon has different meaning,mean zmaj,) without others Angel.. Remember that he is looking down on you from heaven and one day you will be together again,his message from heaven:

As long as I have the prayer and love of each of you,I can live my life in the hearts of all of you.

Berislav joivic,   dragan's dad

Melissa Platt/Michael Mims Happy Mothers Day May 8, 2011
Barb/Nicky's MOM Have a Blessed Mother's Day May 8, 2011
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Thinking of you. May 8, 2011
Kathy ~ Ryan Bezy's Mom Keeping you close in my heart & May 8, 2011
Barbara Nunez "HAPPY Mothers DAY" May 8, 2011

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